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Parent Teacher Organization

Get Involved 참여


a)  To promote the Korean language and culture for all students at home, in school, and in the community.

b)  To enhance the educational facilities and opportunities for the students of KLCEI.

c)  To support the school in ways that might not otherwise be provided for in the school budgets.

d)  To promote volunteer programs and resources for KLCEI.

e)  To sponsor projects and events for the benefit of KLCEI students.

f)  To raise funds as required providing for all the above objectives.


a)  Any parent, guardian, or other person(s) standing in “loco parentis", or that has direct association with a child enrolled at and attending KLCEI may join the KLCEI PTO as a member.

​b)  Each staff member at KLCEI is eligible to be a PTO member.

c)  Any member shall have the privilege of making motions and serving on committees.                   

d)  A voting Member shall be anyone who is a Member in good standing according to Article IV, Section A and/or B; and who pays a $25 parent group contribution to the school during the current school year.

e)  The Membership year will run from August 1st through July 31st the following year.

f)  The membership fee is $25 per family per semester.

  • PVSA